As the weather warms up, these little ticks can cause big problems!

Ticks are crawling around at all times of the year, however, during the spring is when they begin to get really active and things can get really serious.  That’s when we start seeing ticks on your beloved pets during their consultations at Summer Hill Village Vet.

Who do paralysis ticks love?

Paralysis ticks are attracted to a wide range of animals including cats, dogs & humans! Native animals including bandicoots & possums usually have a natural immunity against the ticks leaving them unaffected. Dogs & cats on the other hand usually develop symptoms which can be life-threatening if not treated with the antidote.

How do pets get ticks?

Sunny weather, brings on pet adventures! This spring and summer you may be visiting grassy, bushy areas for your pet to explore, run, exercise and have some much-deserved fun! BUT unfortunately, these areas are popular hotspots where paralysis ticks can be found, placing your pets at risk.

Not so fun fact! Anywhere Bandicoots live, also live paralysis ticks!

Another gruesome detail is that a female tick can lay 2,000 – 3,000 eggs!

Signs your pet has a tick:

  • Change in bark or meow
  • Coughing when drinking or even vomiting (This is the most confusing sign as vomiting can be caused by MANY things!)
  • They lose the ability to swallow so fluid or food can go into the lungs.
  • Weakness in back legs, trouble with stairs or getting up – as signs of poisoning progress, the animals become unable to stand
  • Breathing becomes exaggerated and difficult – as signs progress you may see panting, progressing to loud breathing, even grunting noises.

Where to check for ticks on your pets:

Pet’s love to get into things that they’re not supposed to! Which is why we will often find paralysis ticks on your pet’s face, head and shoulders.

Preventative measures:

With all, it doesn’t mean that parks and bush walks are cancelled during the warm months! At Summer Hill Village Vet we have an extensive range of paralysis tick prevention to set you up with the healthiest, happiest pet this spring and summer.

If you go to a tick area check you pet EVERY day for a tick by feeling all through their fur all over and again around their head & shoulders.

If you would like more information on ticks, what symptoms to look out for in particular and what to do you can read on here